I truly don’t know how to start this other than by telling you how hopeful I am that you are all staying healthy, sane, and as optimistic as these times allow.  I also want to say thank you to the many people who have reached out.  I have found so much comfort, joy, and reassurance through all of you and all our conversations.  I can only hope I have given you a fraction of the same in return.

Keeping up with you all during this time apart has really meant so much on a personal level.  Listening to your demos, talking about mixes,  and sketching ideas for future projects has really been the normalcy I have needed during such an abnormal time.  Please don’t stop.  That is really the true message of this blah-g post.  I am here and so excited to talk with you about the possibilities of what we can do when things come back.  Because they will.

So stay in touch and get in touch knowing just that.

Looking forward to it,



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