Contrary to the modern temperature of the debate, I don’t have a scorched earth stance on AutoTune. It doesn’t set my hair on fire, I don’t think its ruining music, and I respect your opinion on it knowing that it might differ from mine. AutoTune just happens to be a polarizing practice since it’s a shortcut to a result you once had to work for. But that’s seemingly the goal of most technology. Fuck, what a brain buster.
Me? I don’t like AutoTune. AutoTune standardizes sound.
I have always viewed the goal of recordings to be a unique representation of song and artist- and autotune is a tool that potentially sends everyone down a path toward similarity. The fact that it makes everyone sound “perfect” isn’t the (whole) issue for me- it is that fact that it creates a homogenized (often vocal) sound that keeps me away from it.
You see, I am a believer in the individuality of your noise. No one else has your voice. Literally. Putting it on a signal chain scrubbing your imperfections often times equates to scrubbing the reality out of your record- and hopefully we gravitate towards that reality and honesty as listeners. (If not, disregard my entire existence.)
Now I am not asking anyone to put out records without their best possible performances on them, that would be an unrealistic view of making a record, but rather to accept you don’t need software to be the solution. Often times the imperfections of a record are what make it equally meaningful for both creators and listeners alike. Often times a missed note is the start of another, better performance. Often times a mistake is the reason we arrive at an innovative solution. Plus, technology normally ages like shit.
Talk soon,
Rick @ Handwritten.
*This has been the least humorous blah-g post I have ever written. I now also hold that again AutoTune. My next post will be a humor filled roast of terrible keyboard patches.